by Ally Condie

I read Matched primarily because a Goodreads reviewer suggested Glitch referenced it heavily, and I enjoyed Glitch (see review - ARC from NetGalley).
There is lots to like about Matched, in particular, for me, more literary writing dropped into the prose than is common with much YA - some phrases and images are simply beautiful. The book hooked me with this image in the first few pages: 'Compact means small. I am small. I also like the way it sounds when you say it: the one the artifact itself makes when it snaps shut.'
I enjoyed the Dylan Thomas references and explorations of meaning in his words. The very controlled society is portrayed with flair and conveys an enjoyably creeping unease.
In common with its modern literary fiction cousins, though, Matched suffers from a lack of drive and action in the plot. Me, I like action and frights, danger and gutsiness, and you won't find an over abundance in Matched.
Worth reading for its gradual character and relationship development, its dystopian world and its occasional beautiful imagery.
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