Miss Possum

Miss Possum
Pale but dynamic

Saturday, 6 April 2013

The Daylight War by Peter V. Brett

The Daylight War

The Daylight War by Peter V. Brett
5 of 5 stars

This book has the most exciting demon battles I have ever read!! Demon battles happen every night, but somehow Peter Brett just keeps racheting up the tension, danger, magic and drama. Peter Brett does that amazing thing - keeps your sympathy with a number of characters, each of whom has agendas which preclude the success of the others; that is, one character's achievement of his/ her dreams and wishes must be predicated on the failure of another character's, as they are striving for mutually exclusive goals. At the same time, the goals are about life, death, love and community, as well as the future of humankind, so the stakes are high. Vivid, glorious writing - I'm in the characters' bodies and minds, I'm in their world, I see the demons through their eyes.